Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Design School Southern Africa & Steele Model Studio Fashion Show

20th September 2010 at FTV Parkview

“In the beginning nobody believed in us… I remember the first and second collection – we’d call customers, stores and magazines and they would say: …who? Dolce Who?...”
Stefano Gabbana

DSSA & Steele Model Studio’s second fashion show was spectacular; the young designers showcased some of their best work and the models from Steel Models Studio’s “NEW FACE” division were a breath of fresh air. This innovative platform facilitates emerging hopefuls who aim to make a mark on the fashion industry is proving to be a huge success. While speaking to some of the young designers backstage it became clear to me just how important it was for them to have this opportunity to exhibit their collection in front of an audience – it gives designers a chance to see how people respond to their collection, and that creates an amazing sense of pride, it also allows for some affirmation as to who & where you are as a young designer.

Thanks to Steele Models Studio who has taken on the responsibility of organizing and planning all the fine details that goes into a fashion show, this has allowed the designers and models to focus on what’s important – and that is to creating and present cutting edge fashion! The show stopper of the evening was a one of a kind couture wedding dress designed by Mavila Baloyi a third year student at DSSA – the bodice of this beautiful dress was impeccably made with intricate hand-embroidered detail and the skirt was entirely formed out of layers of individual silk-netting blocks that resulted in a captivating dress.

"Designed by Mavila Baloyi"

The fashion show it self was once more held at the ultra modern FTV Lounge in Parkview and rumor has it that the October show is not to be missed as it promises to be a very exclusive and exciting show - I will definitely be front row bringing you an in depth look at the latest up-and-coming fashion, trends and styles created by our talented local designers & models!

For more information on the up and coming fashion shows hosted by The Design School Southern Africa and Steele Model Studio keep an eye on my blog (http://stanleyrawfashion.blogspot.com/) or join the official DSSA group on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=47330024666&ref=t).

For more photos visit the DSSA Facebook page: 
Special Thanks To
The Design School Southern Africa

Pta: 012 346 5057 Jhb: 011 786 7501


Steele Model Studio

Pta: 012 665 3534

Photographer: Basil Koufos

082 439 2022

FTV Parkview

Pta: 012 992 6080


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